1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard
A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD How to Cleanse Clothes INDELIBLE One would suppose that stains from Indell- INK ble ink could not be removed, but they are by no means hopeless. A saturated solution of cyanuret of potassium and water will remove such stains. Apply carefully with a camel's hair brush. The cyanuret is a poison and should be handled with care. INKY The toiler over the ledger is often annoyed FINGERS by inky fingers, and if he does not keep in the office lavatory a piece of pumice stone or hand sapolio, he may remove all traces of his trade by simply moistening the head of an ordinary sulphur match and rubbing the ink spots with it. In using pumice stone for removing stains, first rub the stone on soap, then apply.
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