1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Bachelor Etiquette On the hostess' day at home one may linger an hour or longer. Concerning business calls, in which a woman calls upon a man in his office, he need not offer to shake hands unless she be an old friend. Should his time be limited or other people be in his private office, he may meet her in the public office or even the corridor. He must always remove his hat, and if he wishes her to be brief, may courteously explain that pressing affairs necessitate his immediate attendance. In his office, a man rises also when a woman caller rises to leave, and if the interview has taken place in his private office, convention demands that he open the door for He need not go beyond the door with her, al- though if she is a friend or relative he will doubtless wish to see her safely to the elevator. A business address should never appear on a visit- ing card, although his home address or that of his club may appear in the corner, his permanent address ap- pearing in the right-hand corner. Not infrequently his home address appears in the right-hand corner and his favorite club in the corner opposite. BACHELOR It is quite the fashion nowadays for the HOSPI- well-to-do bachelor, even if he has no near TALITIES women relatives to assist him, to entertain his women friends in his own apartments, at his club, or at a hotel. The city bachelor of to-day is not a home- less man whose life is divided between his house of busi- ness and his boarding-house bedroom. If he is pros- her.


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