1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard


Heat well, stirring all the

It a pleasing consistency.

Have ready some buttered toast, and serve the


Eat in solemn silence, and

hot oysters on these rounds.

wash down with brown sherry." Sir John, by the way, stipulates always that the din- ner hour be adhered to with military exactness. It is related of Cambaceres that Napoleon kept his dinner waiting half an hour, and in despair he sent for his cook and in true military phraseology exclaimed, '* Henri ! Save the entremets! The entrees are anni- hilated ! " The late Dr. Kitchener, who prided him- self upon his punctuality, had written over his side- board the motto, " Come at seven, go at eleven." Theodore Hook, who always liked the w^e sma' hours best, added the word " it " to the above, and great was the doctor's surprise when he found that by alteration the notice advised his guests to " go it at eleven." To this might be added the advice of Baillie Nicol Jarvie: " Don't accept a man's hospitality and abuse the scoun- drel behind his back."

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