1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD A Chat on Cheese cream, and when the consistency of " cold molasses " pour over the broiled sardines. CHILELY A gay bachelor from 'Frisco who is too modest to give his name taught me this trick with cheese — New York Dairy. Break in pieces a quarter- pound of it and rub to a paste with a tablespoonful of butter, a teaspoonful of made mustard, tw^o tablespoon- fuls of thick cream, a dash of Tabasco, and some cay- enne. Stir until nearly melted in the hot w^ater pan, and then stir in quickly this sauce which has been cook- ing in another chafer: Scald and skin three tomatoes of medium size; add one small white onion and one bell pepper with seeds removed and chopped fine, and cook ten minutes over a hot fire. Pour off super- fluous tomato juice before adding to the cheese. Mix thoroughly, and if " Bock is in season," then you'll need no passport to the Land of Delight.


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