1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Mexican Creole Cooking Is a delight, and will surely be a success If the follow- ing rule Is carefully followed. CREOLE Half a dozen slices of okra or half a can of BISQUE canned okra should be used. If fresh, wash and slice. Add half a can of tomatoes, one sliced onion, three whole cloves, a finely-chopped green pepper, half a teaspoonful each of all- spice and salt and a tablespoonful of butter. Cover Chese Ingredients with a quart of cold water and place on the fire in an enamel kettle and bring to the boiling point. Add more w^ater, if needed, then strain and set on the back of the stove where it will not boil. In a double boiler heat one pint of milk and thicken with a small teaspoon of corn starch blended with a little cream and let come to a boil. Then pour the prepared soup into a tureen, stir in a pinch of baking soda to prevent curdling, and pour over the cream sauce, stir- ring all the while. Stir in croutons of toasted bread and serve very hot. CREAM This is another Creole soup that will find OF PEA instant favor. Have a can of small French SOUP peas, drain and w^ash carefully. Place in a small saucepan, adding a sprig of fresh mint, a little onion juice, a pinch of sugar, a dash of cayenne, and a generous saltspoonful of salt. Cover w^ith a pint of cold water and cook until the peas w^ll easily mash and press through a sieve. Return to the fire and grad- ually stir in a half-pint of cream and a small cup of


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