1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Balaklava Nectar.

For a x>arty offifteen. Thinly peel the rind of \ lemon, shred it fine, and put it in a punch bowl,add 4 table-spoonfuls of crush ed sugar and the juice of one lemon. 1 gill of Maraschino. 2 bottles of soda. 2 bottles of claret wine. 2 bottles of champagne. Stir well together and dress the top with fruit in season. Use a hot ivater glass. tea-spoonful of the best beef ex tract. Fill the glass with hot water. Stir up well with a spoon, place pepper, salt and celery salt liandy, and if the customershould require it, put in a small pony ofsherry wine or brandy. BeefTea.


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