1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Wine Lemonade (Italian). Use a large bar glass. 1 table-spoon sugar, dissolved in a- little water. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. K glass filled with fine ice. 1 wine-glass sherry, claret or Port wine. Fill up with water; stir well; dress top with fruits, and serve with a straw. When a pint of milk is brought just to boil, pour in a gill of sherry wine. Let it again come to a boil. When the whey separates,strain and sweeten to taste. Or the whey can be made in the same manner with lemon-juice (free from seeds), using the juice of half a lemon instead of wine, a table- spoonful being quite enough for' a pint of milk. In an alimentary point of view, whey is almost of no value. It is advantageous as a drink in febrile diseases, and is a good means of ad ministering winesin smallquantities. It may be drank either cold or warm. It possesses sudorific and diuretic properties. Wine or Lemon Whey.


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