1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

HotHolland Punch. Use a hot bar glass.

1 lump sugar. 2 wine-glasses boiling water, IW " Scotch whisky. 1 table-spoon ginger ale.


Use a large bar glass. 1 table-spoon sugar; i a lemon squeezed well; fill the glass with hot water; stir well, and serve. Pour a little hot water into the glass, and shake around it before making the drink topreventthe glass from cracking.

Hot Locomotive.

Use a large bar glass.

1 yolk of egg. i table-spoon sugar, and 1 pony honey, mixed well together. i pony Curaqoa. li wine-glass Burgundy or claret boiled ; mix all thoroughly together ; place a thin slice of lemon on top, with a sprinkle of cinnamon, and serve.


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