1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith


Finefor Parties.

Rind of 2 lemons. Juice of 3 large lemons. A' lb. of loaf sugar. 1 qt. boiling water.

Rub some of the sugar in lumps on two of the lemons until they have imbibed all the oil from them, and put it with the remainder of the sugar into a jug ; add the lemon juice (butno pips),and pourover the whole a quart of boiling water. When the sugar is dissolved strain the lemonade through a piece of muslin, and, when cool, it will be ready for use. The lemonade will be much im proved by having tlie white of an egg beaten up witli it: alittle sherry mixed with it also makes this bever age more palatable.

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