1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Punch,a la Romaine. For a party of twenty.

2 bottles of rum. 8 bottles of wine. 15 lemons. 3sweet oranges. 3 pounds of powdered sugar. 15 eggs.

Dissolve the sugar in the juice of the lemons and oranges,adding the thin rind of1 orange: strain througli a sieve into a bowl,and add bj' de grees the whitesof the eggs beaten to a froth. Place the bowl on ice for a while,then stir in briskly,add rum and the wine. Punch (Oriental). Boil a large kettle of strong black coffee, take a large dish and put 4 pounds of sugar into it; then pour 4 bottles of brandy and 3 bottles of .Jamaica rum over the sugar,and set it on fire, let the sugar dissolve and drop into the black coffee ; stir this well and you will have a good hot punch.


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