1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney

hand to produce when thej' are called for. It is not necessary to recoinincnd them; the distillers have done that, and it is the bar man's business to recom mend the staple article he has in bulk goods, with the understanding that you sell as good a whiskey as possible. .'\11 this depends upon the style of your establishment. The wboles.ale price of the best bulk goods is from to $4.00 and $,-i.00 a gallon. Even by paying the c.xtreme high price of $4, you can readilv see how beneficial it is to recommend your bulk goods, as they will then cost j'ou about $2 less a gallon than the case goods. In a medium- sized business, where they only sell ten gallons a day, it amounts to $20 difference, or about $7,000 per annum. The entire remedy lies in the power of the proprie tor, and it is with him whether to push and sell case goods, or to place before the public the merits of bulk goods. The former are not all superior to the latter. While the last-named improves dailj' within the confines of the barrel, there is no improvement of the case goods within the limits of the bollle. It IS the fancy label and the winning exterior ap pearance of the bottle that has made the public think they are getting a superior article, but, in nine cases out of ten, it is not so. Therefore, it is not advisable to push the case goods more than possible, for you are only injuring business by doing so. All this particularly refers to imported goods, such as


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