1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney

Burgundy Cup,

For seven persons. Fill a glass pitcher one-fourth full of cracked ice. Six or eight pieces cut sugar.

One lemon sliced. One orange sliced, hour slices pineapple. One pony Cognac brandy.

One pony Alricotine. One pony Curacoa. One quart Burgundy. One pint Apollinaris. Mix thoroughly, adding the thin rind of a cucum ber. Dress with fruit and serve in fancy stem glasses. Use large bar glass. Fill glass half full Rhine wine, balance with selt zer. Both the Rhine wine and seltzer should be kept on ice. Peach and Honey. Use small bar glass. One tablespoonful honey. Rhine Wine and Seltzer.

One wine-glass peach brandy. Stir well with a spoon; serve.

Stone Wall.

Use a large bar glass. One-fourth tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Three or four spoonfuls of shaved ice. One wine-glass of whiskey. One bottle of plain soda. Stir up well with a 'Spoon, remove the ice, if cracked, and serve.


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