1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney

Summer Delight.

Use large bar glass. Two or three lumps of ice. The juice of one lim'e. One-half pony glass raspberry syrup. One bottle sweet soda. Stir well; trim with fruits and serve with straw. Claret and Champagne Cup. Use a large launch bozvl for a party of hventy. Three bottles claret wine. Three-fourth pint of red Curacoa. One pint of sherry. One pint of French brandy. Two wine-glasses of ratafia of raspberries. Three oranges and one lemon cut in slices. Some sprigs of green balm and of borage. Two bottles of German seltzer water. Three bottles of soda. Stir together and sweeten with Capillaire pounded sugar until it ferments; let it stand one hour; strain it and ice it well; it is then ht for use; serve it in small glasses.

Whiskey Cherry.

Use large bar glass.

One-half lemon. Two spoonfuls of sugar. One glass rye whiskey. One glass Cherry Vinos. One whiskey glass shaved ice. Shake well; strain in lemonade glass; fill with ice water and serve with sliced bananas.


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