1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney

Commodore. [This drink which was invented by Phil Gross, Cincinnati, O., won the Police Gazette championship ship medal in the 1S99 bartenders' eontest.] One-half lime. One jigger whiskey. One teaspoonfiil sugar. Two dashes orange bitters. Shake well and strain into a thin goblet and Three bar spoons of sugar. One-half pony of Creme de Menthe. Juice of half a lemon. ' Three dashes of pineapple or raspberry syrup; One jigger French brandy. One whole egg. Put in large bar glass; cracked ice; shake well; strain in sour glass; add nutmeg and serve. Champagne Cup. serve. Morning Braceup.

Use a large flinch bozvl for a l>arty. Two wine-glasses of pineapple syrup.- Four to six sprigs of green balm. V One quart of Curacoa. ■"

One pint of Chartreuse (green). One quart of fine old Cognac. One quart of Tokay.


Four bottles of Apollinaris. Six oranges and two lemons, cut in slices." Stir up well together, let it stand two hours, strain it into another bowl and add: One-half pineapple cut in slices.


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