1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney

Gin Julep.

Use large bar glass. Three-quarter tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Three or four sprigs of mint. One-half wine-glass water; mix well until the es sence of mint is extracted, then remove the mint. Fill with fine ice. One and a quarter wine-glass Holland gin. Stir with spoon; ornament with orange, berries, etc., and serve with straws. Whiskey Julep. Whiskey Julep is made the same as the regular Mint Julep, but whiskey is substituted for brandy.

The Fox Highball.

Use high ball glass.

A piece of ice, one dash of lemon juice, teaspoon- fiil pineapple syrup, half a wine glass Scotch or Irish whiskey, half a wine glass of Tokay wine; fill the glass with syphon seltzer.

Eagle Highball.

Use small bar glass.

One lump of ice, three or four dashes lemon, one slice lemon peel, two to four dashes orange bitters, one jigger Tom gin; fill glass with seltzer and serve.


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