1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney

Morning Smile. Mixing glass zvilh a small quantity of shaved icc. Break egg in glass, one gill Coco Cola, one jigger good whiske)', one gill of sweet milk; serve in a small fancy glass with a little nutmeg.

American Rose.

Large mixing glass half full shaved ice. Two spoonfuls powdered sugar, three or four dashes Vermouth, three or four drops d'Absinthe, half a wine glass of brandy, half £. pear sliced in the glass; then squee/^e with a mixing spoon, strain into a shell glass, fill with soda and serve.


Take funeh glass. One dash seltzer, half teaspoonful of sugar, slice of pineapple, crushed well with spoon, one drink of Sloe gin; stir well, fill full of fine cracked ice; orna ment with fruit in season, serve with straw.

Mint Sloe.

Take a fancy high hall glass. Put in three or four sprigs of mint, one lump of ice, one dash of Curacoa, one jigger Sloe gin; stir up with a spoon and fill with Club soda.


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