1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney


Wliile there are really few rules by which a bar tender may be governed, yet the new man in the busi ness ought to have some sort of a guide, so that he can conduct himself in a manner that will do credit to the establishment and give satisfaction to the customer. He should be polite, prompt and attentive at all times, and never lose his temper under any circum stances. It is important that he should always be cheerful and answer all questions put to him in as intelligent a manner as possible. He should be cheerful and amicable at all times. Above all things it is necessary that he should be well and neatly dressed, and while on the subject of dressing, it might as well be mentioned that nothing is better nor more appropriate than a white bar jacket, spotlessly clean. ' Assume now that a customer has stepped up to the bar, set before him at once' a glass of water, and


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