1908 The World's Drinks and How to Miw Them by Hon Wm Boothby (1st edition)



523 WAX PUTTY FOR LEAKY BUNGS. Spirits of turpentine, two pounds; tallow, four pounds; solid turpentine, twelve pounds. Melt the wax and solid turpentine together over a slow fire, and then add the tallow. When melted, remoYe to a cool place and stir in the spirits of turpentine and allow it to cool. WHEN TO SERVE BEVERAGES. APPETIZER-Dry, pale sherry, plain or with a dash of bitters; vermouth, plain; or a cocktail. · WITH OYSTERS-Rhine wine, Moselle, dry sauternes, chablis, or Capri, cool. WITH SoUPs-Sherry or madeira, cool. WITH FISH-Sauternes, chablis, Rhine wine, Moselle, or Capri, cool. WITH E NTREEs-Claret or Chianti, t emperature of room. WITH ROAST-Claret, burgundy, or Chianti, t emperature of room. Wl'I'H GAME--Champagne (cold), old vintage champagne, cool. WITH PASTRY- Madeira, cool. WITH CHEESE--Port, temperature of room . WITH F&m•.r-Tokay, malaga, or muscat, t emperature of room. WITH COFFEE-Brandy or cordial, temperature of room. lf you ao not wish to serve such a variety, use the following, viz. :– Either sherry or sherry and bitte.rs, vermouth, or a cocktail as an appetizer. Either Rhine wine, Moselle, sauternes, chablis, or Capri with oysters aml Either sherry or madeira with soup. Either champagne, claret, burgundy, Chianti or whiskey highbail through · out the meal. Either brandy, cordial, or port after dinner. Either ale or stout with oysters, fi sh, cold meats, steaks, chops, or b rcacl and cheese. A TRUE STORY. Once there was a vacancy in the diplomatic service, and a certain congress– man recommended one of his constituents for the office who for "J:oa ny years had been a popular barkeeper. A certain political celebrity approached the congressman tha t same evening and in undertones informed him that it had been quietly whispered in private circles that his candidate never had b een anything but a barkeeper, and conse– quently his candidacy was out of all reason. "That," replied the congressman, ;'is exactly why I am plugging for him, for he has been tried out 1 and I claim that no one but a diplomat of the first water can be a successful barkeeper." 524 fish. 525

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