1908 The World's Drinks and How to Miw Them by Hon Wm Boothby (1st edition)

''Et le nom de cette etoile etait ABSINTHE: et la troisieme partie des eaux fut changee en ABSIN'l'HE; et elles fuent mourir un grand nombre d'hommes pa rce qu'cllcs etaient devcuues arueres."-REVELA'l'ION viii: 2. (Nouveau Testament Francais.) ''And the name of the star is called WORMWOOD: and the third part of the waters became WORMWOOD; and many meu died of the waters, because they were made hitter."-R.EVELA'l'ION \riii:2.




lnto a small mixing-glass place half a pony of anisette, half a pony of orgeat, a pony of absinthe and a whole egg; fil l the glass with pure sweet milk, shake thoroughly with some cracked ice in the shaker, strain into au egg-shaped punch-glass and serve.

ABSINTHE COCKTAIL. 3 Fill a medium-size mixing-glass with :fine ice ;i.nd pour over it two drops of Angostura bitters, a dash of orgea t syrup, a dash of anisette and about half a jigger of absinthe; stir well or shake, strain into a chilled stem cocktail-glass, squeeze a piece of lemon-peel over t1ie top and serve with a chaser of ice water. FRENCH STYLE. Into a highball or punch-glass place a lump of ice, a pony of absinthe and a flavor of either gum, orgeat or anisette (whichever the patron prefers); then fill an absinthe-strainer (a glass or metallic vessel with a single hole in the bottom) with cracked ice and water, and hold it high up above the glass containing the absinthe, allowing it to drip until the glass is full; then stir well and serve. ABSINTHE DRIP. 4

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