1908 The World's Drinks and How to Miw Them by Hon Wm Boothby (1st edition)



AUTOMOBILE PUNCH. . 329 Stir a can of gusoli ne with a monkey-wrench; add a few bolts and washers and decorate with nuts. If the patient wants it hot, touch a match to it.-Fli.egende Blatter. No•rE.-The a uthor has never had any e2rperience with this drink either hot or cold, so cannot r ecommend it.

BICYCLE PUNCH. 330 Sweeten a glass of cold milk and seltzer and serve with or without straws.

BRANDY PUNCH. 331 Into a n egg-shaped goblet place a piece of ice, O\' er which pour a jigger of cognac. Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful of b ar suga r, the juice of two lemons, a dash of Cura<;oa and a little water or seltzer_ Stir thoroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and liquor, add a little fruit a nd serve. Top off With a dash of Jamaica rum or a little chanipagn&. FOR A PARTY OF TEN. Into a large punch-bowl place about a pound of sugar, three jiggers of Cura<;oa, one jigger of maraschino and the juice of twenty lemons. Pour in just enough effervescent water to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle and a half of good cognac and flavor with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum. Should the party b e composed of any ladies, in place of rum flavor a pint of champagne would be preferable. Place a large piece of ice in the bowl and decorate with fruits. 333 Into a punch-bowl place five t ablespoonfuls of sugar, the juice of t en lemons, a jigger of Cura<;oa and a pony of maraschino. Dissolve in a small bottle of plain soda, acld a quart of the desired brand of champagne and a large piece of ice. Decor at e with fruits. J amaica rum or good cognac can be used for a flavor. Either must be used, as champagne itself does not possess body enough to make a good punch. BRANDY PUNCH. 332 CHAMPAGNE PUNCH.

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