1908 The World's Drinks and How to Miw Them by Hon Wm Boothby (1st edition)



ADULTERATION AND AGEING OF WHISKEY. 434 Th e foll owing recipe js for a simple process by which new whi key may be mad e to appear ami" taste like old. To each barrel of whj key add three– Cjllarters of a ga llon of p rnne juke (a concoction made of steamed prunes, blood, spirjts and sugar) ; it will then h::ixe the color and flarnr of three-year– old whiskey ; more may b e added in proper proportion to any age desired up to ten yea rs. 435 According to a report from Consul Paul Nash, of Venice, Professor l\1ar– tin otti of the Royal Oenological Statjon of AsH, recommends the following method for the artificial a geing of brandy: Ordinary brandy, before being bottled, is aged by keeping for th e requisite length of time in small oaken casks, from which jt absorbs cer tain ethers and essentjal oils contained in the wood, and necessary to its perfection . By the method of Professor Martinotti fine shavings of oa k are placed jn the cask with the new spirit and allowed to remain for on e month, the cask b eiug occasionally turned over. At the encl of this time the liquor jg filtered and decanted into white glass bottles, which are fill ed about t wo-thirds full , and, after being very lightly corked are placed in an inclined position, care being taken that the brandy does not touch the stopper. By this means the largest possible surface is e..'posed to the action of the a ir, a nd the ox:idation necessary to produce a good brandy is materially hastened. The action of the light play"s an important part in the maturing of spirits, but bottles should n ot be exposed to the direct rays of the snn and should b e kept il1' a suffi ciently cool place to avoid excessive evaporation. 436 Alcohol a dded to weak or vapid wines will increase their strength and assist in th eir presen ation. It can be added to port in the ratio of one part alcohol to ten parts port ; to sherry, one part alcohol to seven parts sherry i and to other wines in proportion to the strength of their flavor. 437 To twelve gallon s of pale nm1 add two ounces of flowers of Benzoin, half an oun ce of balsam of Tolu, and one ounce of sEced pineapples. Digest with an occasional agitation for one month, at the end of which time add half a pint of mflk. Agitate for ten minutes, and rack off iu a week. AGEING OF BRANDY. ALCOHOLIZING OF WINES. BATAVIA ARRACK.

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