1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby



TO REDUCE HOLLAND GIN. 518 To twenty-five gallons of pure Holland gin add twenty-five gallons of pure French spirit and half a gallon of pure sugar syrup. Mix thoroughly.



Add a little catechu or a few bruised mountain ash berries.




Dissolve a fifty·cent silver piece in one ounce of nitric acid. After the silver is dissolved or stops boiling, add a strong solution of salt water. This crystallizes the silver. Wash this precipitate in warm soft water until the acids are entirely removed, letting the silver settle before pouring off the liquid; when the water is clear, the silver is pure. Then put the silver into a soluti on composed of two ounces of cyanuret of potassium and two pints of soft water. Use an earthen bowl for dissolving

and two rub

the silver, and heat the bowl acid dissolve the cyanuret with Apply with a soft ·rag and

silver. Before putting the silver into the pounds of whiting in a water pitcher. thoroughly. Let this dry and rub again.

TO RESTORE FLAT WINE. 521 To restore flat wine add ab out f ur or five pouncls of white sugar, a pound of pure strained honey and a handful of good Fresno raisins to every hundred gallons of wine. A little spirits may also be added. Rummage well, bung carefully, a nd the longer it stands afterwards the bette r. 522 A small dose of sal volatile or volatile salts in a wineglass of water, and repeated in a J:ialf hour, will effectually sober any one intoxicated. The quick– est way is to take an emetic :firnt, then dose as above in a half hour. Half a whiskey glassful of pure olive oil is highly recommended also, as it lies on top of everything else that might be in the stomach and prevents all fumes from going to the brain. A lemon sour is often prescribed by bartenders, but experience has taught me t hat the patient is sometimes made very sick nt the stomach by this treat· ment, aud co nsC'qnently I ne1·C'r recommend our 1 e pecially if the sou r i not, .11-bso)u~el,Y fresh·squeez.ed, TO SOBER A DRUNK.

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