1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

I. "Pun ctuali ty is a j ewel." So get to business on t ime, remembering always that t he other fellow gets tired too, a nd when you a re off wat ch, why, skidoo. II. "Cleanliness is next to godliness.·· Therefore keep your fin gernails clean, your f ace shaved, your hair neatly a rranged, and your linen immaculate. III. Avoid a rguments, especi ally of a 1eligious or political na ture. Discretion in speech is more t ha n eloquence. TV. Appear pleasant and obliging under all circumstances, and never make a sword of your tong ue to wound the reputation of others. v. Sell all t he liquor you can, but i:;sc as little as possible yourself. VI. Before going off shif t always sec tha t your bar bottles and sugar d rawers a re filled a nd the glassware a nd tools that you have used on your watch are polished a nd in their proper places, so tha t your r elief can work to advantage as soon as be a rrives a t bis station. VII. Ice should be washed before being used and at no time afterwards toucherl wi th t he hands. Scoops a nd tongs are for that purpose. VIII. After usin g a bottle or tool always replace it before doing a nything else, for when yo u. are rnshecl wit h business you will never be compelled to bunt fo r this or tha t as you will a.lways know just where it is. IX. Keep the floor behind the bar as u1·y as possible. I t not only looks bett er, but you will fin d your healt h g reatly improved by following this rule. x. After a party has fi nished drinking remove the glassware from the bar as soon as possible a nd d.ry and polish the ba r top immediately, neYer allowing a pa rticle of moisture to remain.

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