1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby



Speak well of every one if you speak of him at all. None of us are so very good. , Damn fools are necessary-they interest the wise. Wine draws wisdom from the philosopher's lips and makes the fool talk himself to death. "Seest thou a man diligent in business~ He shall stand before kings."-Proverbs of Solomon. "Many times the reading of a book has made the fortune of a man-bas decided his way of life."-Emerson. "Points more than all the lawyers in Bohemia can learnedly handle."- A Winter's Tale. "Mend your speech a little, lest it might mar your fortunes."-King L ear. "Whatever thy hand :findE!th to do, do it with thy might."-Ecclesiastes. "Compare the state of that man, such as he would be without books, with what that man may be with books."-Lord H01J,ghton. Charlie Cappelmann, the famous Victoria, B . C., mixologist, bas discovered a clecoction which be terms a "Parachute," and he claims that no barkeeper bas ever acquired the art of compounding it. The reason for calling this drink by such a name is because when a person bas been flying too high, it is guaranteed to let him down easy.

A MAN WHOM THE WOR.LD LOVES. Be who covers the pain in bis heart with a jest, An cl Cqres least about it, can bear life the best; He who bmies his yesterdays with a goocl grace, And hides all his hurts with a jovial face, Drinks a toast to the death of a useless remorse, Defies ail the F ates in their mythical course, And lets no misgiving his happiness mar, But like the dead ash of his fragrant cigar, Fli:ks it off and away-such a man makes this earth A pretty good spot for a permanent bertb.-W. J. Scully.

Poverty is no disgrace but an awful inconvenience. Joke as much as you please, but please when you joke. Revenge is sweet, but it don't take the pl::tce of sugar. An ounce of pluck is worth more than a ton of coaJ. Hot air and cold facts don't mh. Too many banquets make many a bank quit. "All the worlcl's a stage," but there are a lot of bad actors appearing.

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