1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby


alcohol and the progressive improvement that is going on in the drinking habits of the people (an improvement probably due to other causes than the total– abstinence propaganda), but they are not carried away by a windy phil– anthropy, and canot ignore the teachings of physiology and of practical experi– ence. Wbat they have seen they have seen of alcohol's restor ative power in ma ny critical conditions, and they would be deeply culpable if, in deference to clamor, they laid aside so effective a weapon. It is on physiological facts that the employment of alcohol in disease is now founclecl, a nd it is by physiological facts that its employment is opposed; but in the latter case the facts are often misunderstood or only partially pre– sented. Let me give an instance of this. Our total abstinence devotees tell us that alcohol does not keep out the cold and that there can be no worse way of protecting ourselves against low temperatures than by imbibing spirits. That is quite true, but they ought to aclcl, which they do not, that while alcohol does not keep out the cold it is a potent remedy for some of its most hazardous effects. When, after exposure to cold, there is staganation of the blood that has been driven from the chilled surface to the internal organs, a judicious dose of alcohol will re-establish the equillbrium of the circnlation and ward off dangers both immediate and remote.

'l'he man who drinks whiskey and water, Although he drinks early and late, Will live to drink whiskey longor Than be who drinks whiskey straight.


Buy and the gang is with you, Renig and the game is off; · · .l!'or the boys with the thirst will all see you cursed If you don't proceed to cough.

Be rich and the bunch will praise you, Be poor and they'll pass you the ice;

You're a dead game guy when you start to buy, But you're a bum when you haven't the price. Be flush and your friends are many, Go broke ·and they say "Au revoir"; When your currency burns you will get great returns, When it's gone you will get the ha, ha. Be gay and the bunch will cheer you, And they'll smile while your wealth endures; Show a tearful lamp and they'll all decamp And it's back to the woods for yours.

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