1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

SOME NEW-UP-TO-NOW SEDUCTIVE AMERICAN. COCKTAILS By HoN. WM. T. (CocKTAIL) Boornsy In t he days of the American _ReYoluti on, one P at ri ck F la naga n, a joll y a nd ,·ery patriotic Irishman , enli _ted as a soldier in a troop of V irgi ni a caYa lry. He bad but. recen tly ma rn ed an fri $h _las who wa s intensely Ameri · ca n in her se ntiments, mid wh o \YflS dete rmin ed to go with her Pat ri ck wh ere \"er she co uld. Th e officers of th e troop were inform ed of her inten · tions, a nd mo re in the spirit of fun than a ny t hin g e lse, e ngnged he r a a ma id of a ll work, and encouraged her 111 eYer.v poss ibl e ma nner. She accepted th e cli~tin gui heel honor in ea r~ est. and was always fou nrl as close to the command as · he cou ld get. 111 ak 1ng herself so nsefnl to the officers a nd en l ist ed men as nurse fo r t he s ick a nd wounded, that she soon became an ind ispensable adjunct to th e ColoniHI Volun teers. Jn a short t ime Patrick cl iecl, wh e reupon t he ~ol cl i e rs anrl officers ex– pressed g reat sympat hy for he r, and t he comm an din g office r ask ed what . he wou ld clo n ow th nt Pat rick was go ne. when : he prompt!'" sepl ierl: ''I 'll . ti ck wicl yees unti l we get ou 1· ind ependence, just a. Patrick would. '' · 'l'his so pleased th e offic~ 1·s >rncl b)"-'tancl ers t hat the.v promi sed to ~ec what they could clo fo r her 111 t h 1. particular. ln a few days she was in· fo rmed that s he migh t net as sntl".1· to the co 111m nnc1, but orde rs had been r ece iY ed w h ich would take the. nlc11ers t o New York , a nd t hat flS h e 111ight n.ot. lik e to go so fa r away from ho m ~. th ey "·ou ld e ndea,·o r to get her a s11111la r place in auother coni p~n.'". w in ch wonl d mnst likely remai1J i11 the ~o uth . Here Betsy (for thnt "".flS her na me) sq uarPd her:elf in fro n t of her rn formant and ind ig nantly repl ied : . "To th e di Yil wid vour other cn111pan 1es; T go with Patr ick 's one, and to th e encl of it, t oo. ' ' · · That settlerl it, ancl in J77~ "T'ntrick 's Cnnqrnn :v" winter<'d at n place in vV es t chester C'o nntv, n<'a r !\cW Yo rk . n:nn pr] '' F'our C'o rn ers,'' between " White Plain s" a 11 c1 'rarry t0w11 . At thi s p1'1 ce Ret. y sot i1p a t:i. ,·ern which sh e k ep t '."ery n e:·it ly . with sn ncl erl fl oors and co n,·e niC'nt litl"l e t <1lls nnrl room s, where Ame rica ii ancl F rench office rs nwt frequently, pl ayed ca rrl s ibli shm ent ~on n b ecfl 111e famou s for t hi . rlel i<·io us deco ction, ancl Bcts.v wns t empterl by 111 nn.Y a good offe r fro111 0t her tn,·c rn k ee pers for t he secr et of this de lightful dnnk . bnt sh e was beyond th e r each of all surh sedn ctiYe influ en ces, a ncl gave th e secret to but one oldi er who was a great fri end of Patrick's, with a sworn pledge t ha t it sh ould not be made publi c unti l after her death. Jt is understoo d that thi pl edge was sacredl y k!'pt. In t he n eighborhood of Betsy's T aYera , or, fl it b ecame finally known, "The Bra.c r T:n·e rn ," l ived upon a fin e e tntc nn B ngli ·bman, who kept a pack of bound s, fin e hor. es ancl pleaclid poultry, all impo rted fro m tlie

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