1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

AFFINITY COCKTAIL. Frappe two-fifth s J<~ren c h Vermout h, t wo -fift hs J.taliau ( 'in zano) Ver· 111 nuth and o ne-fi ft h Creme de Violette. Sen-e in h ill ed s f·cm ocktail gla se . AINSWORTH COCKTAIL. '!'\Yo-third s Coat.es P ly mout h gi n and one-third French Vermouth frapped n·it b a ,·ery sma ll t hin strip of orange peel fo r a fl a ,·o r. AVIATION COCKTAIL. Equal parts of F renc h Dubonnet w in e and dry she rry, chill ed t horo ughly i call ed a n Av iatio n. Serye in cold stem gl::: . es. A fla \"O r of orange peel may be squeezed over th i be,·erage if desired. BALD HEAD COCKTAIL. One-third Frenc h Ve rmouth, one-th ird Jt::ilian Vermouth (Cin z::i no) one– t h ird ('oates P ly mouth g in an d se ,·ernl cla shes of Ab in the. Agitate' t hor· 011g hly with cracked ice, ::i ncl en·e iu st em gla es. BAMBOO COCKTAIL. :Mix eq ual pa rts of d ry sherry a nd Fre nch Vermouth. Chill t horo ugb lJ•, rrnd serv e in Cockt.lil glasses. BARCARDI COCKTAIL. Mix one- third jiggerful of Cin zano Ita l ia n \ errnouth with two-thirds Bareardi (C'nban) rnm , s weet en with pi neappl e syrup to taste, frappe a ncl ser,·c. BARRY COCKTAIL. Thi . wel l-kn orrn appet izer is fl r egular Ma r t ini Cock ta il with about fiv e drops of green cr6111e de mcnth e added. BECK COCKTAIL. One-qua rter Fre nch VErmouth. one-quarter Itnl ia n CC in za no) Yermoutb , on e- ha lf Coat es P ly mou t h g in , and th ree drops of An i-ette. Serv e Yery cold. B IJOU COCKTAIL. Frappe two-th irds Coates .P ly mouth g in nnd one-third Gra no 1\Iarnier. Serve in stem glas ·es. BLACKTHORN COCKTAIL. One-thi rd loe gin , one-thirr1 Jta li nn (C'inzano) Vermouth, one-th ird Fren c h Vermo ut h, and a fla,·or of Or ange bitters. Sen·e Yery cold . BORDEVER COCKTAIL. Frapp6 eqm1I parts of Scotch whiske,- a nd Ginger wi ne and sen·e i n ste m gla sse . · · ' BOTTLED COCKTAILS. Any rec ipe in thi . book ca n b e used fo r the ma kin o- of bottled Cocktails by remembering t hat ::in ordinary bar bottle conta inin g one-fifth of a gallon of liquor will h old fourteen a,·erage l'ocktn ik Mu'it iply a ll t he cl ifferen1· ii1 gred ients of the C'nc k ta il by fonTteen . and you w ill ba\'e t h e n compo unded j ust enoug h of the !ni xt11 re to fi ll a n nrcl innry . o·call ed quart bott le. P . S.- eve r use orn 11ge or len1 on rind in a bottle of Coc ktail unl ess t h e mixtu re i.· to b e ired imm ediate ly, as t he be \·erage w ill become hitter and unpal atab le in a Ye ry ·hort ti111 e if t his ru le i not co mpli ed \Yitb. BRANDY COCKTAIL. Di ·soh ·e about a qw11·ter tPa poonful of suga r in :1 teaspoonfu l of water, add two clrnp.· of r\ ngo. tura B itter. , so me cracked ice, a nd a jigger of Ota r el Dupuy Cognar or so111e oth er fir t-cl:l.ss h ran l.v : Hgitate j·horoughl y, train in to Cocktail a-lase·, . q neeze lemon rind o,·e r the top, aHd sen ·e.

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