1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

BRONX COCKTAIL. Cut up one-six t h of a ni ce ripe orange into small cubes, skin and a ll ; pl ace in a la rge mi x in g g lass; ad d one-third jigger of Coates P ly mouth gi n, one-t hird jigge r of Ita li a n (C in zano) Vermout h, a nd one-third jigger of Prench Verniouth. S ha ke we ll with cracked ice, strain t hrnu g h a. fin e . tra in er in to a ch ill ed Coc k tail g lass, a nd serve. BRUT COCKTAIL. In to a m ix in g g la. s of c rn cked ice add a dash of Ora nge bit ter , t wo d rops of Angostura bitte rs, one-third of a jigger of Amer Pico n, a nd two– t hird s of a jigger of Frenc h Ve rmouth ; st ir brisk ly, strain in to a Cock tail g lass, sq ueeze a piece of lemon rind over t he top, and serve. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL. Saturate a cub e of ugar w ith several drops of Angostura bitters· with a sugar tong p lace t he same in t he desired glass, fill up with th e desired brand of co ld w ine, a nd se n ·e without stining or decorations. High ba ll o r pun ch glasses are pref~rab l e to stem champagn e _gla.se8 fo r . t his drink because t he h oll ow st ems in champa g ne glasses get fill ed with sugar a nd it requires t oo mu c h la bor to clean t hem. CIDER COCKTAIL. Make t he sam e as <. ham1 ague C?cktail, substi t utin g ca rbonnted cider fo r champagne. Decorat ions a re p ermi ss ible. CLOVER CLUB COCKTAIL. Into a m ix in g g la . of c rack ed ice, place two ba rspoonfuls of imported Cirenadin e syru]J (raspb_en y syru~ w ill a nswer t he purpose), j u ·t enough fresh sq ueezed lemo n Juice _to O\ e 1 co 1~1~ t he sweetness of t. he syrup, ha lf of t he white of an egg, and a .J igger of (~ates P ly mou t h gi n ; shak e th oroughl y, st ra in in 1·o a s ma ll cla ret glass, and se1ve. COFFEE COCKTAIL. Pl ace t he yo lk _of UJJ elfg, a p~ n y of ~ i:eme de Cacao, a jigger of Po rt wi ne an d a da. h o~ good Cog nac_ rn a m1x1ng g lass of cracked ice· sha ke t horoug hly, strain rnto a small l11g h-ba ll g lass, g ra t e a li ttle nutm ~g over t he top, and serve. . . N . B.-'When pr?pPi ly made, t h is . drrnk resembl es a g las. of coffee, fro m whir li it tak es its na 111e, a nd is h1 g bly reco lllmended f or iin ul ids a nd c- on,·a lcscents. DE;EP SEA COCKTAIL. Popula ri zed by t he late Admi ra l (F ig ht in g Bob) E va ns U. s. N., wh en he s howed bis ma_je ty th e Gerrn a n K a iser how to brnw them'. Ln to a m ix ing glass of fin e ice, dash a li ttle Orange bitte rs ha lf a j ig!!erfLtl . of Fren ch \'erni ont h, ha lf a jio-gedul of <'oates P ly mo;it h g in and a few drops of Al~s i~1t h e; sha_k e well , strarn in to a chilled ·t em Cock tail g lass, squ eeze a p iece of lemon l'lnd ove r t he top, and se n ·e w it h a n oli ve. DRY MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. Tnto a mixin g g lass of cracked ice add a da.·h of O ra nge bitters two ch ops f Ango tu ra bitte rs, ha if a jigge ~·ful o~ Fr~ n cb Ve rm outh, h~ilf n jigge rfnl of meri cn n wh isk ey, a nd a piece of twisted lemon peel. Stir br isk ly , st rain .iJJt o n c hill ed C'ne kta il g l11:s, a nd e rYe. An oJi,·e or a p im olA may be added.

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