1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

DRY MARTINI COCKTAIL. Into a muo.ng gla s of cracked ice place a dash of Orange bitters, half a j igger of 'oates P lymouth gin, and half a jigger of French Vermouth ; stir bTiskly, strain into a frapped Cocktail glass, squeeze a piece of lemon peel over the top, acl cl an olive, a ncl serve. DUBONNET COCKTAIL. Equal parts of French Dubonnet wine and Coates P lymouth gin served as cold as possible is a Dubonnet ocktail. DUCHESS COCKTAIL. Frappe equal parts of ( ~in zano) Italian Vermouth Absinthe and French "Ver mouth. Serve in stem glasses. ' DUDE COCKTAIL. Into a large cut goblet of cracked ice aclcl a pony of Creme de Vanille; fill th e glass with lemon soda, stir, decorate with fruits a nd serve with straws. Clo e the doors so t he d ra ug hts will not affect 'the creature and break the glass. DUTCH COCKTAIL. (Gesundheit) EXPOSITION COCKTAIL. A LA FRANK DORAN. On e-third Cherry brandy, on e-third French Vermouth and one-third Sloe gin; frappe, and serve in stem Cocktail glas . ' FLORIDA COCKTAIL. Two-th ir ds ornnge j uice aud one-third Coates Plymouth gin; frappe, and serve in stem Cocktail glass. , GIBSON COCKTAIL. A LA CHARLES DANA GIBSON, BOiiEl\IIAN CLUB, SAN FRANCISCO. . Equ.al parts of Ji'.rench Vermo_uth and Coates Plymouth giu, thoroughl_Y chill ed, is call ed a Gibson Cockta il. I o decorations bitters or citron f nut rind permissibl e in this famous appetizer. ' GIN COCKTAIL. (Eng lish Gin) A dash of Orange bitters, a jigger of Coates P lymouth gin, and a piece of twisted l emon rind; nothin g el e. Chill thoroughly, and serve. GIN COCKTAIL. (Holland Gin) In to a mixing glass place ome crnckecl i<> e, a tea poonful of gum syrnp, a clash of Boonek a mp bitters, a da h of Orange bitters, three drops of Ab. inth e, and a j.iggPr of good Holland g in . Agitate bl·iskly, strain, squeeze a piece of lemon rind over th e top, and serve. N. B.-Peychaucl 's Aromatic Bitter Cordial, a New Orleans product, is high ly r ecommeucl ed as a sub titute for Boonekamp bitters, an d is uniYersally used with Holla nd g in in the Southern States. GLORIA COCKTAIL. (For Four Persons) A LA PEr DE )ll\IS CL B, LOUISVILLE, KY. Four ~p rig of mint ge ntly mn ccrated with thr ee jiggers of Coates. P lymouth gi11. on e pon.v of Grenadine sy rup, wh ite of on e fresh egg, and' t he jui ce of one lemon . Shake well with c-rAcked ice, strain carefull y, and'. serve in fo ur f rapp ed st em CocktAil glasses. Ein Glas Bier.

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