1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

HACKETT COCKTAIL. One-th ird Coates P lymo ut h gi n, one-th ird orange juice, and on e-third Frenc h Vermouth. Frappe, a ud ser ve in stem glas es. HAVANA COCKTAIL. A favorite cocktaH in Cuba i. made of one-quarter Orange Cura<;ao, one-qua rter Maraschino, one-half Cognac, a fe w drops of lemon .j ui ce, and a d::tsh of Quino bitter . The mixture must be well stirred w ith ice, and ser ved in thin glassware. H. P. W. COCKTAIL. A LA HARRY PAY~E WHIT J;Y, NEW YORK. One-sixth Frenc h Vermouth, one-s ixth Ital ian (Cinzano) Vermouth two– t hirds Coa t es P lymo uth giu, and a piece of orange peel; frappe, aud 'ser ve in Cocktail glasses. HONOLULU COCKTAIL. To the juice of half a lemon ad~_j u st enough pin eapple syrup to OYer– co me th e acidi t~' of th e sour; add a Jigge~· of orange juice, a nd a jigo-er of Coa t e Plymouth gin; shake t horoug hl y w1th fine ice, stra in, and se rv~ in a small claret glass. A ,·ery small hi gh-ball glass is so metime used. P . S.-Half of the white of an egg shaken with th is drink adds a g reat deal to it s appearance ::tnd fl avor. INDIAN COCKTAIL. On e- half Sloe gin, one-quarter Cin za~10 Italian Vel'ln outh. one-q ua rter French Yermouth, and a dash of Orange lntters; serve Yery co ld. JACK ROSE COCKTAIL. A LA R. H. 'I'OW~TES, 62 WILLIA 1 ST., NEW YORK. 'l'hc juice of on ~ lemon, oue_ part Gre n a~in ~ syrnp, nnd two parts Appl e J ack. Shake well w1th cracked ice, a nd stram rnto Cocktail glass. JAPANESE COCKTAIL. Sweeten a Brandy Cocktail with Orgeat syrup in st ead of sugar, a nd serve with ice water on th e side. One-third French Vermouth , on e-thircl French _Dubonnet wi ne, a nd one· th irel herry . Serve very cold, and sq ueeze a piece of orange peel over the top. " JERSEY COCKTAIL. Fill a large bar glass _with cracked i~e, an d add a spoonful of . ugar and a .dash o~ Angostura bitter s; fl avor _with Appl e Ja~k; fill up with good cide r· throw in a p iece of lemon peel, . t u , and sen·e with straws , . KEENEY COCKTAIL. . Four-fifths Old Tom Co rdial gin, one-fi fth Fre nch V e1·mouth. sha ke t horoughly with pl enty of cracked ice in a large mixing-glass. , 'e r v~ before the n ixture becomes clear. KIRKPATRICK COCKTAIL. Two-third. Old Tom Co r~l i al ~in _an cl one-thfrcl . F rench Vermouth ; agi– tated with pl enty of fin e crnc1rnd ice rn a la rge m1.x1ng-glass. Ser ve a· cold a. po ible in a chill ed bar glass. ]. C. O'CONNOR'S SPECIAL COCKTAIL THE HANDSOMEST CAFE 1',0H. GEr 'l'LEMEN I N 'I'HE WORLD SAN FRAr CISCO, CAJ.,. '

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