1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby
SAZERAC COCKTAIL. (TH!il DRIN K THAT MADE ;.1n:w ORL8A:\S P .\ MO S .) FROM THE RECIPE Ofi' THE LATE TOM HA:\DY. EX-MA:\AGER OF THE WORLD-RE:'.\'0\\-:\f~D S.\ ZER C BAR. Frappe a u ol r1 -fa~ hi on ed fi >~f· bar _glass; t he n t a ke a mi_x in g g_~a s a nd mudd le half a cube of sugn r with a littl e water; a dd _some ICe, _a Jigger of good whi key. two das he< of P ey ch:rnd bitte rs, a nd a piece of hYJ Sted lemon peel ; st ir well until. cold,. th en t hrow th e ice . out ~f the_ b:u glas , . da sh severa l drops of Ab. 1n the rnto t he smn e, a n d nn e well "'!h t !1 e b srn tb e. Now strain t be Cock ta il rnto t he frozen gla s, a ncl e n ·e with ice water on t he sid e. SHROVE COCKTAIL. A da h of Angost ura bitte r:. a ffaxor of G1:enadine sy rup. ha lf a jigge r of Fren ch Vermouth, and ha lf a J•gger of S loe g in. Sen ·e Yer,r cold. SODA COCKTAIL. Into a lHrge goblet p lace:"! . poo nf ul of ba r suga r 7 a da: h of Angost ura bitters a pi ece of ice, find a bo~tl e of plain soda; t 1r until the suga r di . solves,' a nd d rink whil e effe n ·cscrn g. . STAR COCKTAIL. One- third Cin za no Ha linn Vermouth a nd two-thi rds Appl e .Jack; frappe . SUNSHINE COCKTAIL. Tnto a mixing cr las. of crnc ked ice dash a sq uirt of O ran ge b it ter one- third j igge r of Frn11c l_1_ l'crmout h, o ne- third jigge r. of Cin zano Italia 1 ~ Vermouth , a nd on e- third _pgge r of Contes P lymo ut h g rn ; chill t horoug hl y, train jnto Coc ktail o-la ss,. qu eeze lemon peel o,·er the to p, and e n· e. TIN ROOF COCKTAIL. A ti n roof Coc ktail is one that ·s ''on th e hou e. ' ' TRANSPORTAT ION CLUB COCKTAIL. (SAN l~RA:\CISC'O.) Ono part Coa t es Plymouth g in. one pa rt F rench V ermouth. one da b of Cin za no Italian Vermontb. one da sh of Po mera nzen Spi ri t u . a nd a twist of lemon peel. I O":'E-,-Pom:rm1ze~ Spirit 11s is di st il!e.d from pom egran a t es, an d i. Yer~' p opu la r 111 t he Onent as }1 flaYor for all b<',·erages co ntainin g g in. TRINITY COCKTAIL. Frappc' one-third Coat es Pl.vmout h g in , onP-third French \' crmou1b. one-t hirr1 inzano TtH l ia n Ver mouth , nnr1 a frw drop of lim e or lemon Jui ce. Sen·e in a chill ed stern glas \\· it h a n oli v<'. TURF COCKTAIL. E qu a l parts of Holl a nd gin :rnc1 F rPnch Vermouth \Yi t h n squeeze of lemon pee l and no bitters is kn own as a T urf Cockta il . UP ISSIPPI COCKTAIL. A LA C'OL. J. l'. BlTR GTN. . Th e word 1 pi ssippi was ro incd by the ge nial colone l, and mean a nn1on of P. antl C'. I'.. two well -known rnil roads. See '.Prn11 s portat ion ('lub Cockt a il . VAMPIRE COCKTAIL. Half Coates Pl y n1onth gi n a nd half Fr nch Y enn onth. w ith e' 'crnl <1rnps of lim e ;jnirc added.
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