1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby



BURGUNDY CUP A LA ORBELL. 81 P eel a ncl juice of two lemons, quart of seltzer wa t er, two bottles of Burgum1y ; sugiJ:r tp taste; when well iced, clraw out the peel ancl serve.

CAMBRIDGE CLARET CUP. 82 One bottle of elaret, half-bottle of sherry, gill of port, gill of eherry urandy, oleo-sacchrum, * ancl strained juice of one lemon; sweeten to taste; at1rl cucumber and verbena sufficient to flavor; strain; ice up. When ready for use a

CHAMPAGNE CUP A LA ARIADNE. 83 Bottle of iced champagne, gill of Amontillado, liqueur glass of citronelle or ma raschino, juice and pari11g of an ora11ge or lemon rubbed on sugar, verbena and cucumber; sugar to taste and a siphon of seltzer cold.



MADE IN A PITCHER FOR FOUR. Take a pint of cider, a jigger of sherry, a jigger of brandy, a jigger of Curai;oa, a piece ·of ice, 011e-half of an ora n,ge sli ced, one YElllow rincl of lemo11, one slice of cucumber, a ·little sugar to taste and nutmeg on top.

CLARET AND CHAMPAGNE CUP. 85 For one quart of claret take the juice of four peeled lemons and two oranges which have been squeezed into a bowl containing four tablespoonfuls of bar suga r; in this bowl now macerate the leaves of six sprigs of mint; then pour in one po11y of J amaica rum, two ponies of bra ndy a11c1 two of maraschino or some other cordial; stir the whole like wildfire a nd then pour in the cla ret; to the whole then add one bottle of pla in soda (or one of champag ne if Cha mpagne Cup be clesircd) , one pin t of Rhine win e a nd the peel of a cucumber; cut up one small pineapple or ta ke a can of presen ·ed pineappl es a nd some sli ced seedless ora nges to ga rnish the whole, aiH1 po11r in.to a bowl a ro11ncl one large l11mp of ice a nd ser ve in thin glasswa1'e.

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