1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby



BISHOP. 198 Make a lemonade of any carbonated water, to which add a jigger of Burgundy and a dash of Jamaica rum. Stir, decorate and serve with straws.

BLACK AND TAN. 199 An English t erm for Half and H alf of ale and stout. (See 'Alf ancl 'Alf, Recipe No. 184.)



FOR SORE 'l'HRO.A.T. Place a tablespoonful of N ew Orleans molasses in a ,small bar-glass with a jigger of St. Croix rum; stir well and serrn.

BONANZA. 201 Into a stem claret-gla ss place a piece of ice, a pony of brandy and a jigger of angelica; fill the balance of the gla ss with reisling; stir and serve.

BRANDY AND GUM. 202 Place about a barspoonful of gum syrup in a small bar-glass containing a small toddy-spoon; set in front of patron with a bottle of brandy a t his right hand, allowing him to serve himself to the liquor; stir well and ser ve ice water on the side. 203 Place a long, thin glass containing a piece of ice in front of the customer with a small bar-glass alongside of it, so tha t be may measure b is liquor, if be so desires. Set a bottle or decanter of the desired brand of liquor at th e patron's right band, and when he has helped himself to the brandy fill the glass with siphon soda . That's all. 204 Place equal quantities of cura~oa, anisette, chartreuse (yellow or green) and cognac in a sherry-glass in the ord er named and dash with a few drops - of Angostura bitters. Pour the ingredients carefully, so they will not mix, ):mt lay one on top of the otbl'Jr like a Pousse Caf e. Serve ice water on the si le. BRANDY AND SODA. BRANDY CHAMPERELLE.

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