1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby



256 LOVER 'S DREAM. Beat a n egg thoroughly and p nt it in a la rge goblet with the juice of one lemon and a desertspoonf ul of bar sugar; fi ll the goblet with a cold bott le of ginger a le, stir thoroughly and sen 'e with straws.




This drink is called May-wine because it is ma de from a shrub or pla nt which is ga ther etl only in the month of May. At other times of t he year it does not p ossess the necessary fra gra nce. 'fhis plant is called Woocl rufI in E.nglish, but the German name is Waldmeister. To prepare thi s famous bm·era g e place a heaping ha ndful of these leaves in a pitcher and cover t hem with good white wine of a ny bra nd, alJowing it to stand for twenty-four hours ; sweeten to t aste, stra in, bottle, cork tightly and lay the bot tles cl own in a cool place. This wine can be used for punches, cobblers, or a ny purpose for which white wine is recommended.

258 MAMIE TAYLOR. Muclclle half a lime in a ricky-glass, a dd a piece of ice a nd a jig ger of . Scotch whiskey, fill the glass with ginger ale, stir a nd ser ve.



259 MELE CASSIS. (A FAMOliS FRENCH AFTER-DINNER DRINK .) Ha lf CJ"cme de Cassis a nd half cogna c ser ved in a pony-glass with pla in water on t he sitle, is known by the above appellation.

260 MINT JULEP. Ta ke a large g lass, put in one spoonful, or a couple of squar e lumps of s uga r, a little seltzer and a few sprigs of mi nt ; crnsh all well t og ether w ith muddler. F ill t he glass wit h shaved ice, "pom· in one j igger of bra ndy, t hrow in a fr w s prig s of' mi nt (stems downwn rd ) in center of glass, clash ll'i th J ama ica rum . Decorate wit h fr uits ;rnd spr i nkle w ith bar sugn 1·; i n se r~ strawe.

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