1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

; bottle vermouth (French). t bottle Tom or Plymouth gin. Mix the above in the same manner as the whiskey cocktail.

ANANAS JULEP. (One ·Quart)

Peel a fresh pineapple, cut in thin slices and place in a pitcher! Add juice of two oranges. 1 gill of raspberry syrup. 1 gill of Maraschino. 1 gill of Holland gin: 1 bottle of Moselle or Rhine WJne: A few pieces of ice.

Stir and serve.


Put in a glass pitcher. Juice of one lemon:

2 tablespoonfuls sugar! 2 wineglasses red curacoa. 1 bottle plain soda.

Fill pitcher half full of ice; add one quart of champagne, s~i~ed fruit, and serve. · ' :. ..

RED BURGUNDY BOWL. (r! Quarts) Put in a pitcher The juice of two lemons: The juice of one orange. 109

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