1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

r lemon and orange, sliced. r pint of Apollinaris.

Put all together in a punch bowl or pitcher with a few lumps of ice. Stir and serve in champagn e glasses. PARLOR -CLARET CUP. (Two Quarts) Fill glass pit~her one-half full of cracked ice. r whiskey glassfull syrup. I wineglass abricotine. 1 wineglass curacoa. I quart claret wine. 1 quart carbonated ·water. 1'1ix well; a dd sliced fruit and serve in champagne glasses. MAN PARLOR CHAMPAGNE PUNCH. o AKG (Two -Quarts) · l\1ix in a punch bowl. r quart champagne. 1 quart Apollinaris water. 1 wineglass gum syr up. 1 wineglass pineapple syrup. 1 v.rineglass abricotine. r orange and 1 lemon, sliced. 7 or 8 slices of pineapple·. · · Stir, one-piece of ice, _and serve in champagne glasses..· · PRESS CLUB PUNCH. (Two Quarts) One-quarter pound of sugar, dis– solYed in one-half pint of hot water , cool , strain in -a .punch bowl, add II3

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