1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

ORANGE PUNCH. (Three Gallons)

Put into a punch bowl r piece of ice;

1 2 lemons, cut in slices: 12 oranges, cut in slices: 1 can of pineapple, sliced: 4 qu~~s unfermented grape JUlCe: 4 quarts orange juice (canned) 4 quarts carbonated water. Stir the above thoroughly and serve with fruit .

PEACH PUNCH. (Three Gallons) Put into a punch bowl I large piece of ice:

12 lemons, cut in slices: 12 oranges, cut in slices: 4 qu~~s of unfermented grape JUICe; 4 quarts peach juice (canned). 4 quarts carbonated water. Stir the above thoroughly and serve, with fruit: RUM PUNCH. (Three Gallon Mixture) Use a four-gallon vessel to mix in. 1 mixing glassfull lemon juice, strain. 3 pounds fine sugar, dissolved with lemon. 3 quarts Tokay wine (white). 135


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