1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

Stir. strain,-· twist lemon..peel over top and sen-e. (If absinthe is required, put one dash into cock-tail glass before strain– ~--:f :.:1c abo...-e mixture into it).


l- .se a mixing glass.

! drink of French vermouth. -! drink of Italian Yermouth. l dr..n.k oi Dry gin. ! glass of cracked ice. .

T-n·is~ a piece of oran ge peel on .:op and add the peel, shake well, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.



L se a mixing glass.

2 d ashes of ~1araschino. 2 dashes of orange bitters. z dashes of le1non juice. . · r drink of T01n gin. 1 ;rlass of cracked ice. s~1- s:rain. and s:en.·e ""ith cherry. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAiL. '!' a~e one piece of loaf sugar; put c ne dash of ~-\ngostura bitters on sug-ar. drop into a cham pagne gob– let. r p iece of lemon peel. .. 1 ~iece of ice. . _ Eil~ glass with_ champagne, : sti~ gently and serre. - 5

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