1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

in place of brandy, and· float a little claret wine on top and serve. ·

PORT WINE SANGAREE. Use a mixing glass. ! glass of fine ice. · 1 teaspoonful of sugar. I drink of port wine.

Shake well, strain into a fancy stem glass, grate nutmeg on top and serve. , SHERRY WINE SANGAREE. Prepared in the same manner as the Port Wine Sangaree, using sherry vvine in place of port, and serve. Omit nutmeg. MAN O ARG. - PORTER SANGAREE. -use ale glass. I teaspoonful of sugar. Fill glass with porter. Grate nutmeg on top and serve. ALE SANGAREE. · Made the same as Porter Sangaree, using ale instead of porter. . . ·

SENATORIAL SANGAREE. Use a mixing glass. 1 fresh egg.

r teaspoonful of sugar. Fill glass with fine ice. I pony glass 6£ brandy. 1 drink of sherry ·wit>;e. 55_

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