1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

ABSIN~GERM.AN ..'.STYLE. ·Put' pony·;glass -bf 'absinthe itito a sour glass; · a .small ·pitcher of ice water oia. the .. side· to customer , who helps himself to as· much water as h • d" A " • •• • • • .• e:. e<:>tres --~ ~· ,; .· ': ·, · .. :·=: ~ · :. : .-. .... . ... ... . . ABSINrH~DRIPPED. .. ·- ... ·. - ;. -· Fill a pony glass ·.to ·th~ brim with absinthe; set :it . into ·a .. six ounce glass; fill cfripper: with .fine ice : and water. Let tlie contents drip into the glass . containing the· a9sinthe , ntn?ing ov_er tlie sides of pony ,~l~ss, until the color shows a sufficiency; then take out pony; pour into a thin, medium size.g lass; d~shy1ith syphon seltzer or viehy ·water and serve. . .. ABSI~TH:E~swi~s .:: ~~s.---:~ ; OARG Use a 1nixing·~·grass: : · ~ ..., . . The· wliite ·o-f ·ari egg·. · , ···"· 3 dashes of Benedictine. Sh:ake t6 freezing~·p<5int-, s.train=:iilto a fancy s

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