1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)


t;" se mixing glass.

2 dashes of syrup. 2 dashes o~ orange bitters. I dash of Chartreuse. i cL-i:lk of Old Tom gin. i d~n"".; of Italian Yermouth.

S:....:-. strain. and serve.

CLTIB SODA COCKTAIL. Take one piece of loaf sugar; put ~ J dashes of .\.ngostura bitters on 51.:.gar; drop into a long, thin glass. r piece of lemon peel. 1 piece of ice. 1 bottle of Club soda. Take bar spoon half full of pulver– ized sugar, stir gently and serve in MA~ame glass. OARG

COFFEE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. 1 teaspoohf ul sugar. 1 freSh egg. ' glass of fine ice. I pony of brandy. I "'ineglass Port wine.

Sba..~e well, strain into a fancy stem glass, nutmeg on top, and serve.

CREOLE COCKTAIL. . A. mixing glass half full of cracked ice.

2 dashes of Benedictine. 2 daslies of Pecon bitters. 1.


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