1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

3 d ashes of len1on juice. Fill glass with Arrack. Stir, a dash of nutmeg on top and serve.


Use a hot .whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar. 1 glass hot water, dissolve sugar. 1 drink of brandy. Stir, nutmeg on top, and serve. HOT GIN SLING. Prepared in the same manner as the Brandy Sling, using Holland gin in place of brandy. HOT CREMO. Use hot whiskey glass, take the yolk of one egg, beat it up 'vith a teaspoonful of sugar , add ! drink of sherry wine, fill up with boiling 1nilk, stir, and serve, 'vith nutmeg on top.


HOT CRAMP CURE. Use a hot whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar.

Dissolve with a little hot water. 2 dashes of peppermint. I dash of J ainaica ginger. I pony of brandy. Fi:! balance with boiling \Yater and

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