1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)


Use a punch glass.

- 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. 2 dashes of raspberry syrup.

~pony glass curacoa. -Fill glass \vith fine ice: 1 drink of St. Croix rum. Stir, dress with fruit and serve with straws.


Use a mixing glass. y 1 0

of lVIaraschino. T1a of Benedictine. ..(0 of anisette. -h of creme de roses. 11a of creme de vanille. T1a of caracoa. -Qr of abricotinc.

n of forbidden fruit. -{a of creme de cocoa. ..(~ of brandy. Shake 'vell, strain, and serve in fancy glasses. MAMIE TAYLOR. - Use a :!!edium size thin glass. J mc:e of ~a_lf a lime . r p:ece n:r 1ce. I diillk o: Scotch 'Whiskey. __ a:;;::. with ginger ale and serve - bar- spoon. :n glass. 8g

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