1909 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (3rd edition)

l: drink of sherry wine: i pony of brandy. i glass of fine ice. Fill the glass with milk.

Shake ·well, strain into a large, thin glass, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.


Use a 1nixing glass. 1 fresh egg.

1 teaspoonful of sugar. ~ glass of fine ice. 1 dash of creme de roses. 1 drink of sherry \vine. Shake well, strain into a flip glass and serve. SHERRY AND ICE. Put a little cracked ice in a cham– pagne glass; fill up with sherry and serve. SHANDY GAFF. Use an ale glass. Fill the glass half full of ale and the balance with ginger ale, stir and serve.


Use a highball glass. 1 piece of ice.

2 dashes of abricotine. 2 dashes of pineapple syrup. 99

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