1910 Toasts Wines, and How to Serve Them by Rodolph Rose


~ T IS highly necessary in making a good punch to sec that all of the ingredients arc thoroughly mL'

When Champagne is to be iced before being put in the punch place it in a tub and put cracked ice all around it. A little salt especially rock salt, sprinkled on the ice, will help to get th~ wine cold quickly. . In the middle of the punch bowl pla.ce .a square block of ice, cut a bole in the ice and place frmt m it, sue~ as berries or grapes, but if these arc not in season l\farasch1no cherries or pineapples can be used. There arc several good brands of pine· apples on the market, but it is advisable to use fresh pineapples where possible as the fresh pineapple adds very much to the flavor of the punch_ One or two red or white Maras.chino che.rrics should be placed in each glass before the punch IS poured m. If the occasion is such that a lighter punch is desired I would suggest that one-half \Vine or Ch".mpagne and one-half Apollinaris or Carbonated Water ~e used instead of the quanti– ties prescribed in the following recipes: 17 ,.

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