1910 Toasts Wines, and How to Serve Them by Rodolph Rose

apple with quarter o f pound o f s~1gar in a glass bowl and let them stand until the sugar is well soaked in the pineapple, then add all the other ing redients, except the Champagne. Let this mixture stand in ice for about an hour, then 3.dd the Champagne, and ornament with sliced orange and other fruits in season. Serve in champagne g!asses.


4 quarts o f Champagne. 8 spoonfuls of fine sugar. 2 wine glasses of Brandy. 2 wine glasses of l\faraschino. 1 wine glass Jamaica Rum. 2 quarts of carbonated water. Juice of one le.man . Slice two oranges and two lemons. Large piece of ice when served.

IMPERIAL PU~ CH (One q uart of Punch)

Take l pint bottle of Claret. I pint bottle of Apollinari s water. 4 tablespoonfuls of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little of the Apollinaris water. ;-:I teaspoonful of grated nutmeg. I liquer glass o f Maraschino. About V. pound of ice. . Put all of the ing redients into a pitcher and mix well. Vary quantity according to number o f guests, using punch bowl for large party.

P O MPAD O UR PUNCH (For a party of ten)

Take 3 bottles of Champag ne, iced. I bottle of Cognac Brandy. 4 oranges. I pineapple.

Slice tbe oranges and pineapple in a bowl, pour the cognac over them, and let them steep for a couple of hours; then pour in the Champagne and serve immediately. 19

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