1910 Toasts Wines, and How to Serve Them by Rodolph Rose

PUNCH A LA ROMAINE (For a party of fifteen)

1 bottle Champagne. 1 bottle Rum. 2 tablespoonfuls Angostura Bitters. 10 lemons. 3 sweet oranges. 2 pounds powdered sugar. I0 fresh eggs.

Dissolve the sugar in the iu1ce of the lemons and oranges, adding the rind of one orange; strain through a sieve into a bowl and add by degrees the whites of the eggs beaten to a froth. Place the bo wl on ice till cold, then stir in the rum and wine until thoroughly mixed. Serve in fancy stem glass.

ROYAL BRANDY PUNCH (For a party of t wenty)

Take 1 gallon of water. 3 quarts of Brandy. I pint of Jamaica Rum. I Y. pounds of white sugar.

Juice of 6 lemons. 3 oranges, sliced. 1 pineapple pared and cut up. 1 gill of Curacao. 2 gills of raspberry syrup. Ice and add berries in season. Mix the materials well together in a large bowl and you a splendid punch. If not sweet enough, add more sugar.


DUVAL PUNCH (For a mixed party of twenty)

Take 5 bottles of Champagne. I quart of Jamaica Rum. 1 pint <>f Maraschino. 6 lemons, sliced.

Sugar to taste. Mix the above ingredients (except the win~) in a lar ge punch bowl. When the icin g has been completed, and just before the punch is to be served, add the wine and some slices of or?nge and lemon. 20

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