1910 Toasts Wines, and How to Serve Them by Rodolph Rose


(@ LD wood best to burn. old wine to drink, old friends lo trust, and old authors to read. Ifere's to our swe-cthcarts and our wives. }\fay our sweethearts soon becoll!e our wives, and our wives ever remain our sweethearts.

Here's to one and only one, And that i~ she, 'Who loves but one and only one, And that is me.

Let's be gay while we may, And seize Jove with laughter ; I'll be true as Jong as you, And not a minute after. May the juice of the grape cn1iven each soul, J\nd good humor preside at the head of each bowl.

Life is a jest, and all things show it; I thought so once, but now I know it. \l\lhoever has loved, knows all that life contains of sorrow and of joy. He who lives but for himself, Jives but for a little thing. Enjoy what you have, hope for what you Jack. Thought is the lightning of the soul. Home - the place where you arc treated best and grumble most. 3

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