1910 Toasts Wines, and How to Serve Them by Rodolph Rose

IMPORTED FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES O ur O wn I mportation F rom France Bottle, $7.00. $1.50; gallon, $6.00. Very choice and old, gallon, \Ve handle the celebrated Jules Robin & Co.'s French Cognac Brandies (imported in bottles) the very purest and choicest brand imported. We cannot ioo highly recomrne1~d Messrs. Jules Robin & Co.'s Brandies to physicians who wish to pre– scribe an absolutely pure, old Cognac Brandy fo r their patient s. Jules Robin & Co.'s Grape label, bottle-- ------- ------ -- - - $2.00 I ules Robin & Co.'s 3 Star label. bottle__ __________ __ ___ - - 3.00 Hennessy, per bottle______ ___ ___ ------------=--- ---- ---- 1.85 g~a~~iJ,p~~rbb~~ 1 tie-========- =====-=-========= =========-== : :~~ A L L O F THE ABOVE ARE EX P RES"!l COLLECT COCKTA ILS \Ve handle the famous "Sazerac" rcw O.,..rleans Cocktail, pro– nounced by connoisseurs to be the finest on the market. Martini, Tom Gin, Whiskey and Manhattan, bottle__ ______ $!. I 0


Full Qt. Bottle

Gallon Bottle $2.00

~~~ i:::l~;t. ~~i.Y~ih".;i-;,-;,-;.;:;~c~i;c ==- __ -- ===s ?:38 American, Jamaica (or Red Rum) ------ - - - -- .75 IMPORTED JAMAI CA \Yh.ite & Co.'s celebrated Jan .aica We handle Hy elusively. li'ull quart bottle, $1.50; gallon ______ __ (Hy White & Co_.) Imported in bottles. UnqucstionaLly finest brand of Jamaica Rum on any market. Bottle--------------- ____ ·- ____ ________ __ _$1 .so 39 R E D HEART

3.00 2.50

Made with