1910 Toasts Wines, and How to Serve Them by Rodolph Rose

SHERRY COBBL ER (Use Large Bar Glass) Take I tablespoonful of fine white sugar. 1 slice of orange cut up in quarters. 2 small pieces of pineapple.

·Fill the glass nearly full of shaved ice, then fill it up with Sherry Wine. Shake up, ornament the top wit h berries in iteason, and serve with a straw. Sauternes, Catawba, Claret Cobblers made same as above ex– cept substitute these wines for the Sherry.


Three-fourths Absinthe. One-fourth Anisette. White of one egg. Fill with shaved ice, shake well in shaker, strain in cocktail glass and serve.


Yolk of one egg. I teaspoonful of sugar. \Vine glass of good Rye \ Vhiskey. F ill glass with cracked ice, and shake well together. Fill serving glass one-half full of seltzer, then strain ingredi– ents slowly on top and serve.

MAMIE TAYLOR Peel of leinon in one string; place in glass so it hangs over.

\Vine glass of Brandy. ~ glass of cracked ice. B ottle of Imported Ginger Ale, and serve.


One-half Dry Gin. One-half French Vermouth. Fill glass with cracked ice,

shake, strain and serve in bar




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